Instructions for using the cow oestrus cycle grid

Move your mouse over the grid, to obtain corresponding information
about behaviour, ovaries, uterus and hormone curves during a cow’s oestrus cycle.
Click on a field to obtain detailed information about that field, e.g.
“Ovary - Oestrus”. The images at this level can be enlarged by clicking.

Clicking X takes you back a level.

Click on Hormones to obtain summaries for each phase of the cycle.
Detailed information on individual hormones can be found by clicking on the red hormone names at the top right-hand side of the page.
Underneath these you will find a link to the hormone curves where the hormones can be viewed in graph form, individually or in combination.

Return to the overview page via the red button labelled “Overview”.

On the overview page, summaries can be obtained by moving the mouse over the buttons Behaviour, Ovary,
Uterus & Vagina and Hormones, or Pre-oestrus, Oestrus, Post-oestrus and Inter-oestrus/Dioestrus.

An overview of the temporal relationships during a “21-day oestrus cycle”
can be obtained by moving the mouse over the small fields at the bottom of the overview page.

Note: it may take a little time to learn to use this grid.